200+ Lifeline Advocates Come Together for 2017 NaLA Annual Conference in New Orleans

NaLA Members,

The NaLA Annual Conference took place last month, with over 200 members gathering in New Orleans for the event.   We are so grateful to all the sponsors, volunteers, and attendees who made this event possible! We heard from over a dozen speakers and panelists who provided insight into compelling discussions on topics such as Effects of the 2016 Lifeline Modernization Order, the implementation of a National Verifier, Internal Control, Fraud Prevention, and Privacy Practices.

The theme of this year’s conference was centered around innovation and adaptation during times of change. Guest speaker, Linda Crill, spoke of her personal journey through change and discovery – an inspirational testament of our need to adapt and “roll with the punches” when navigating the landscape of Lifeline.   Overall, the 2017 conference exemplified the three governing values of our organization: Education, Cooperation, and Advocacy. We are never more unified in our mission and vision than when we are at this event – therefore it is really at the conference is where the molding and advocacy of the program is at it’s best.   We have been honored by the stream of compliments that have been received since we returned from the conference and look forward to seeing you all again next year!

Thanks everyone and we look forward to hosting you in New Orleans again in 2018! Keep checking our website for updated information.


David Dorwart
Chairman, National Lifeline Association