Listen to NaLA Board Member, Danielle Perry, talk about Lifeline and ACP on “The Divide” Podcast

Danielle Perry, NaLA Board Member and chief compliance officer at TruConnect, joins host Nicole Ferraro on The Divide, a podcast from Light Reading, to talk about how the company is keeping customers connected through the federal government’s Lifeline program and the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).

The episode covers discussions about Lifeline and the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP); Why TruConnect, a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), is pushing back on the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) potential ruling; and the need for consumer advocacy regarding mobile and home connectivity.

Listen to The Divide: TruConnect’s Danielle Perry on the role of MVNOs in keeping people online here.

Read the full transcript of this episode here.

About the National Lifeline Association (NaLA):

The National Lifeline Association is the only industry trade group specifically focused on the Lifeline segment of telecommunications. We support the four essential components of Lifeline: ETCs & Providers, Distributors, Lifeline Participants & Supporters, and Government & Regulatory Bodies. We are passionate about the continuity and advancement of the Lifeline program, and we drive this vision through our mission to “support the providers, distributors, participants, and supporters of Lifeline through education, cooperation, and advocacy.”