NEW FCC RULE for ETCs Who Assess a Monthly Fee Go Into Effect July 22nd, 2015

FCC LogoNew FCC rule for ETCs who assess a monthly fee goes into effect July 22nd, 2015. Lifeline ETCs who assess a monthly fee for service must now also collect the monthly fee or de-enroll any subscribers who have 60 consecutive days of non-use.

The FCC published in the Federal Register on June 22, 2015, the Order issued on March 31, 2015, clarifying Lifeline subscriber usage rules for ETCs who assess a monthly fee as established in the 2012 Lifeline Reform Order. The Wireline Competition Bureau clarified Lifeline ETCs who assess a monthly fee for service from its Lifeline subscribers must also collect the monthly fee from the subscriber, or follow the requisite procedures to de-enroll any inactive subscribers who have not used the service during any consecutive 60-day period. The Order is effective July 22, 2015.

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