John Heitmann Presents: “Federal Communication Commission (FCC) & Washington Update”
About Federal Communication Commission (FCC) & Washington Update:
This NaLA Talk focuses on the recent Lifeline activity on The Hill, with a specific focus on the Lifeline D.C. Circuit, rulemaking, optics, and current issues. Additional topics include the National Verifier, minimum service standards, WFA (Waste, Fraud, & Abuse), and program goals.
About John Heitmann:
John Heitmann, Chair of the Communications practice, counsels wireless, wireline and cable broadband and telephony service providers, and other entities (large and small, international and domestic) on policy, compliance and strategic initiatives involving the communications regulatory landscape on both the federal and state levels. With more than 20 years of experience, John advises clients on regulatory policy and compliance with the Communications Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the numerous other federal and state laws governing telecommunications, privacy and information security.