Lifeline News

Colville Tribe Responds to FCC Plans for Tribal Lifeline Funds

November 7, 2017 — The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (CTCR) sent a response to the FCC, regarding recent changes…


FCC Proposed Lifeline Changes Affect Tribal Areas

The proposed FCC changes to Tribal Lifeline were outlined by Chairman Pai in a recent release of the November 16…


National Verifier Update

<H2>National Verifier Initial Launch States & Eligibility Verification Data Sources</H2> USAC announced the initial group of states that will roll…


200+ Lifeline Advocates Come Together for 2017 NaLA Annual Conference in New Orleans

NaLA Members, The NaLA Annual Conference took place last month, with over 200 members gathering in New Orleans for the... READ MORE

National Lifeline Association Designates New Board Members

Kristina Valencia and Nathan Stierwalt to Help Ensure All Americans Have Access to Essential Communications Services The National Lifeline Association... READ MORE

FCC News: Broadband Service A Priority in Infrastructure Spending Bill

Making Broadband Service A Priority in the Infrastructure Spending Bill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai spoke at Carnegie Melon University in Pittsburgh last... READ MORE

FCC News: Chairman Pai On Recent Federal Lifeline Program Order

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai released a statement addressing the controversy surrounding the Order on Reconsideration of Lifeline Broadband Provider designations,…


FCC Releases Order on Reconsideration for Lifeline Broadband Providers (LBPs)

New FCC Chairman Pai released an Order on Reconsideration for LBP designations on Friday, allowing the FCC to reconsider the Lifeline…


Free Cell Phones for Veterans: Benefits & Lifeline Eligibility

Revisions to the 2016 Lifeline Modernization Order Changes from the 2016 Lifeline Modernization Order included revisions to accepted eligibility documentation…


USAC Submits 2017 National Verifier Plan for Lifeline Program to FCC

Updates to the November 2016 Draft of the National Verifier Plan have been submitted to the FCC and the January…